South Central celebrates Wales Nature Week 2024

Wales Nature Week celebrates nature and showcases the wonderful species and habitats of Wales.

In a nature emergency and climate emergency, appreciating and protecting nature has never been so important. Wales Nature Week encourages people to enjoy and appreciate nature in Wales, exploring local areas and learning more.

Established in 2002, Wales Nature Week is an annual week of nature-themed events coordinated by Wales Biodiversity Partnership. Wales Nature Week is made possible by nature-friendly organisations hosting events and through participation from Local Nature Partnerships, communities, schools, businesses, and individuals.

In South Central, we are very fortunate to have exceptional nature on our doorstep, from internationally important woodlands to rare butterflies and Bannau Brycheiniog National Park. There are large areas of ffridd (pronounced ‘freeth’), an important mosaic of habitats often found on the slopes of valleys which forms a physical and cultural backdrop to the local communities, and acts as a bridge between urban, semi-natural and agricultural ecosystems. There’s also the beautiful Glamorgan Heritage Coast and many of our urban areas are in close proximity to greenspace.

We are committed to Nature Recovery in our current corporate plan and alongside our partners we are working hard in South Central to identify opportunities, take action and create positive change.

Find out more about some of the recent work we have been involved in below:

We will protect nature

Vale of Glamorgan man prosecuted for destroying valuable wildlife habitat | National Wildlife Crime Unit | NWCU

We will restore nature

Natural Resources Wales / Endangered coastal plant reintroduced to South Wales conservation area

We will be an exemplar nature positive organisation

Natural Resources Wales / Rare heathland regenerating after trees felled in Hensol forest

We will re-connect nature and people

We are a partner in Local Nature Partnerships (LNPs) across South Central and sit on Local Nature Partnership steering groups. LNPs form a nature recovery network that engages everyone from decision makers to communities and businesses. LNPs focus on action, planning and connecting people with nature.

We will ensure nature is respected and valued in decision making

As a member of the Vale of Glamorgan Public Services Board we have been working to increase the prominence of the nature emergency. We have received a full endorsement from the VoG PSB, and we are now officially reviewing the Climate Emergency Charter to incorporate Nature Emergency further. The first Climate & Nature Emergency Charter task group meeting happened in May.

If you would like to celebrate Wales Nature Week, find out more and get involved.

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