Improving visitor experience at Clocaenog Forest

A public drop-in event will soon be held to discuss early plans to enhance the recreation and visitor experience offered at Clocaenog Forest.

Natural Resources Wales (NRW) has received funding from RWE’s Clocaenog Forest Wind Farm project to use for recreational improvements across areas of the NRW-managed Welsh Government Woodland Estate in North East Wales.

A drop-in session will be held at Canolfan Cae Cymro Village Hall, Clawddnewydd, LL15 2ND on Monday 8 July 2024 between 12pm - 8pm to offer the public an opportunity to view draft ideas and have their say on them.

After feedback has been received from this consultation, preferred options will then be confirmed in Autumn 2024 with work then starting on more detailed designs. The aim of these will be to enhance existing facilities and features in and around Clocaenog Forest.

Glenn Williams, NRW Senior Officer Land Management, said:

“We are currently drafting plans to enhance the recreation offered in Clocaenog Forest. The project is currently at an early stage.
“The drop-in session will offer the public an opportunity to view and discuss our current ideas and have their say on them. Our aim is to celebrate the site’s wildlife and habitats, and improve the site’s visitor experience, current trails, and existing links to Ruthin.
“If you’re unable to make it on 8 July we will be arranging future drop-in sessions and online information as we develop the plans, offering further opportunities to have your say.”

For further information you can email the team directly at or telephone NRW on 0300 065 3000.