For peat’s sake – volunteer to save Wales’ rarest habitat.

As part of National Volunteering Week (1-7 June) Natural Resources Wales (NRW) is searching for volunteers to help protect some of Wales’ rarest habitats and help fight climate change.
Anyone over the age of 16 can get stuck in and help monitor wildlife and important plants as part of the New LIFE for Welsh Raised Bogs project.
The pioneering £4 million-pound project, aims to restore seven raised bogs in Wales.
Raised bogs are important due to the sphagnum (bog mosses) that call it home.
This can hold more than eight times its own weight in water and helps to keep the bog wet and spongy.
This keeps the peat wet which means it can store more carbon and help to fight climate change.
Jack Simpson, NRW’s LIFE for Welsh Raised Bogs Project and Monitoring Officer, said:
“To some, a bog may appear unimportant. But the complete opposite is true. A healthy bog brings great benefits to wildlife and people.
“We are looking for volunteers to help monitor and collect information about wildlife such as reptiles and dormice, as well as plants and water levels.
“The data gathered will help us look after the peat bogs and the wildlife that lives here and better understand their importance in fighting climate change.”
“Anything from an hour a week to a few days a month will help - all you need is an interest in the environment, conservation and some enthusiasm.”
The volunteers will have an opportunity to meet new people and learn new skills.
No specialist skills are required though a desire to work outside in all weathers is essential.
Jack continued:
“This is an excellent chance to be part of a dedicated team and pioneering project and make a genuine contribution to environmental conservation.”
People can register their interest and find out more about the project’s volunteering roles by contacting