Natural Resources Wales at Wales Climate Week

From managing future flood risk to harnessing the power of nature-based solutions, colleagues from across Natural Resources Wales (NRW) are set to engage in a Wales-wide conversation on tackling the climate emergency during Wales Climate Week (22-26 Nov).
The five-day programme of virtual events – each day focusing on a different theme – will explore Wales’ contribution to the global challenge of combating climate change and achieving net zero goals.
Chief Executive of NRW, Clare Pillman and colleagues from across the organisation will take an active role in the delivery of thought-provoking sessions throughout the week, each focussed on stimulating important discussions around how the people of Wales must all work together to shape a climate and nature positive future.
Fresh from her visit to COP26 in Glasgow, Clare will join Julie James MS, the Minister for Climate Change, Lord Deben, Chairman of the Climate Change Committee and Sophie Howe, Future Generations Commissioner at the opening session of the week.
NRW will also lead or take part in a range of sessions over the five-day programme. These will include discussions on the growing challenges of managing accelerating flood risk in the face of a changing climate, and how nature-based solutions can play a leading role in delivering a net zero future.
Speaking ahead of Wales Climate Week, Clare Pillman, Chief Executive of Natural Resources Wales said:
I was proud to have the opportunity to attend the COP26 conference in Glasgow and to demonstrate how Wales can play a role of global significance in accelerating our response to the climate emergency.
Yet while COP26 yielded positive action to tackling climate change on a global stage, there is still so much more we can do closer to home to help achieve our own climate and net zero ambitions.
These cannot be achieved overnight. While concerted action is already happening here in Wales, the important discussions we will have at Wales Climate Week can be a real force for powering even greater action. Both I and my colleagues look forward to engaging in this crucial conversation motivated by the need to safeguard our natural resources for the sake of present and future generations.
Natural Resources Wales programme at Wales Climate Week
Day 1 – Wales and the World
09:00 – 10:00 – Welcome: Wales Climate Week 2021
Chief Executive of NRW, Clare Pillman will join Julie James MS, the Minister for Climate Change, Lord Deben, Chairman of the Climate Change Committee and Sophie Howe, Future Generations Commissioner to outline her views on the different levels of leadership required to tackle the climate emergency in Wales.
Day 3 – How Wales is responding to the climate emergency
12:45 – 13:45
Head of Incident and Flood Risk Management at NRW, Jeremy Parr
will deliver a session on the actions Wales must take to adapt and mitigate against the impacts of climate change when it comes to managing its flood risk.
Day 4 – Exploring the role of nature in climate resilience
09:00 – 10:00 - Resilient seas – a vital ally in climate change
Karen Robinson, Lead Specialist Advisor for Marine Habitats at NRW will take her place on the panel for this session which will cover the impacts of climate change on the sea and its ecosystems.
10:30 – 11:30 The power of nature-based solutions - a positive for people, climate and wildlife in Wales
Dr Clive Walmsley and Peter Jones will be leading this session alongside Alison Smith from the Environmental Change Institute to outline the detail of Wales’ first National Peatland Action Programme and offer insight into other nature-based solutions projects happening in Wales.
Natural Resources Wales was actively engaged in the COP26 conference in Glasgow, showcasing the wide range of approaches currently being undertaken in Wales and the UK to tackle the climate and nature emergencies.Closer to home, NRW also led sessions at the COP 26 Regional Roadshows as part of COP Cymru, highlighting examples of best practice from across Wales, and emphasising the importance of working together to help deliver the nation’s climate and net zero ambitions
Wales Climate Week events will be broadcast live on the COP Cymru event platform, through a Live Content page, and a recording will be made available via the on-demand section of the site shortly after each event.
To see the programme, click here COP CYMRU 2021 | Programme (
To register to attend the sessions, click here COP CYMRU 2021 | Wales Climate Week (