Natural Resources Wales to Host Virtual Public Meeting on Withyhedge Landfill Odour and Pollution Issues

Natural Resources Wales (NRW) is hosting a virtual public meeting to update the community affected by odour coming from Withyhedge Landfill in Pembrokeshire.
The online meeting will take place on Wednesday, 31 January, at 6pm.
NRW’S Industry Regulation team will provide an update on recent regulatory activity as well as wider context around the permit held by the operator and NRW’s role in ensuring compliance with that permit. The event will conclude with a question-and-answer session.
Members of the community who wish to attend should complete the online form, which includes opportunity to provide questions beforehand that NRW will endeavour to cover during the meeting.
NRW has been receiving high volumes of reports of odour and pollution concerns from community members. The organisation believes the principle source of odour to be an uncapped cell containing waste which is producing landfill gas. The regulations team's primary objective is ensuring that actions to reduce odour emissions are undertaken by the operator.
Erin Smyth-Evans, Industry Regulation Team Leader for south west, said:
“We have been inundated with reports from the local community regarding odour and other pollution concerns at Withyhedge and understand the frustration and anger this is causing. Due to the volume of calls and our officers focussing on reducing the odour, we have been unable to provide individual feedback.
“We’re holding this virtual meeting to provide people with a full update on our regulatory activity and answer as many questions as possible. Providing the appropriate level of feedback to the community is important and this event marks the beginning of improved engagement with the local community.”
To confirm attendance at the meeting and to submit a question for the Q&A session, complete the following form:
Details on how to join the meeting will be sent to the email address provided in the booking form.