Visitors reminded to keep dogs on leads at National Nature Reserve

Dog owners are being asked to follow seasonal restrictions while visiting a popular nature conservation site.
Natural Resources Wales (NRW) is asking visitors to Newborough National Nature Reserve and Forest on Anglesey to stick to paths and keep their pets on leads in sensitive areas to help protect the site’s wildlife.
Newborough, a site of international biodiversity significance, is home to some of Wales’ most precious habitats and supports a range of species such as rare orchids, amphibians, reptiles, small mammals, invertebrates as well as bird species.
Ground nesting birds can be disturbed by dogs not under control and this can result in eggs and chicks being abandoned.
Pet owners are asked to keep to formalised, waymarked paths and tracks throughout the site and always keep dogs under control.
Additional seasonal restrictions are in place meaning no dogs are allowed on a section of the Blue Flag beach between the main beach car park and Ynys Llanddwyn between May 1 and September 30.
Dogs must be kept on a short lead and on formal paths on all open dune areas and Ynys Llanddwyn between April 1 and September 1.
Visitors not keeping their dogs on leads in sensitive areas will be asked to do so by staff.
Richard Berry, NRW's Land Management Team Leader at Newborough, said:
“The vast majority of our visitors respect the special environment here at Newborough.
“We want to thank them for being responsible and remind them of the seasonal restrictions in place from April 1 to protect wildlife.
“There is a delicate eco-system at Newborough and NRW works hard to protect the biodiversity and wildlife within it.
“Dogs not under control and which roam off formal paths through a nesting habitat inevitably disturb nesting birds and impact heavily on diversity and numbers.
“Whilst our family pets are dear to us, birds see a dog as a predator and disturbance results in abandonment of nests, the loss of eggs and chicks and a decrease in nesting territories. Dogs can also impact on other species such as small mammals.
“We would ask that people help us protect the site and its inhabitants by following the Countryside Code.”
For more information visit Natural Resources Wales / The Countryside Code: advice for countryside visitors