NRW upcoming contracts - Procurement pipeline 2024-25

Category Contract Title Brief Description of the requirement Type of Contract Expected Award Date
Civil Engineering Purchase of specialist mountain bike trail contractors Two existing mountain bike trails in the Afan Forest Park require reinstatement Contract   TBC
Civil Engineering Repairs, Maintenance and Inspection of Hazards, Landslips and Former Coal Tip sites in South Wales  Repairs, Maintenance and Inspection of Hazards, Landslips and Former Coal Tip sites in South Wales Framework TBC
Civil Engineering Mobile pump call-off Framework – North East Wales Requirement for standalone pumps for pumping out flood water during big events, this includes out of hours supply of mobile inline pumps along with the accessories needed to run them.  Framework 30/01/2025
Corporate Services Consultation & Engagement Third-Party Support  Develop a Category management plan for the procurement of third party support for consultation and stakeholder engagement across NRW. Long term, this will enable the potential creation of a bespoke framework if a suitable existing framework cannot be identified.  Contract   01/12/2024
Corporate Services Parliamentary Agents Framework Ability to be able to instruct Parliamentary Agents in relation to Parliamentary, legislative interpretation and related issues, particularly but not exclusively in relation to legislation specific to Wales. Contract   02/01/2025
Environmental and Marine Services Habitat improvements, mink control and project report This is the 3rd phase of a project looking to re-introduce water vole to the River Thaw. Continuation of habitat improvements, mink control and compilation of a project summary report to include future planning. Contract   28/02/2026
Environmental and Marine Services Fisheries consultant: Fish extraction, dispatch and disposal from Sandy Water Park, Llanelli Contractor to extract, dispatch and dispose of fish from Sandy Water Park, Llanelli
• Seine netting to section lake and electrofish smaller sections to extract the fish from the lake.  
Contract   09/01/2024
Environmental and Marine Services Marine Licensing and Specialist Advice Framework NRW MLT require the provision of specialist technical advice on the impacts to the environment from marine licence applications.  Framework 01/07/2025
Environmental and Marine Services Oil and waste emergency pick up On incident response, immediate pickup of waste (oil drums) might be required to avoid damage to the environment. Framework TBC
Fleet Management NPAP - Low Ground Pressure UTV & trailer for transportation The National Peatland Action Programme Team require a low ground pressure Utility Terrain Vehicle to assist with getting equipment (and staff) out onto large/remote peatland sites. Contract   TBC
Forest Operations Forest Surveys- Production, Thinning, Tree Planting Density and Attribute Surveys Forest Surveys- Mensuration for 4 different survey types across the WGWE.
Production and Thinning Surveys- Valuation of clearfell crops for timber sales including boundary marking.
Tree Planting density survey- monitoring of restocking at year 1 and 5.
Attribute Survey- rolling survey of year 20 crops across the WGWE.
Framework 04/01/2025
Forest Operations Helicopter Support Services (Wildfires) Purchase of provision of an all Wales helicopter services to assist in fighting Wildfires on the Land in our Care (Welsh Government Woodland Estate and National Nature Reserves under our management). The supplier will be available during the main wild fire period and have appropriate equipment to apply water to leading edge of a fire.  Framework 01/03/2025
Forest Operations Supply and Application of Sternerma Carpocapse (Nematodes) Non chemical biological control of Hylobius Abietis (Large Pine Weevil).   Contract   01/01/2025
Forest Operations Chemical Spraying - Maintenance of Restock Sites We need to be able to protect our planted asset to ensure successful establishment of forestry stands.  Chemical application to protect against weeds and pests. Framework 30/11/2024
Forest Operations Respacing and Cleaning -Maintenance of Restock Sites Mechanical respacing and cleaning of restock sites, using a variety of methods.  To establish forestry stands to meet operational and strategic objectives. Framework 01/12/2024
Forest Operations Services relating to overhead powerlines Management of powerlines over timber haulage routes in forestry Framework TBC
Instrumentation, Monitoring Equipment and Services Asset replacement of analytical instruments Tender for 1 x inorganic analytical analyser and 1 x Metals analyser Contract   01/12/2023
Laboratory Services Specialist Analytical Services to NRW Analysis outsourced to a third-party laboratory. Analysis required by Freshwater and Marine Monitoring programmes, which cannot be delivered by NRWAS due to scale or complexity. Contract   28/02/2025
Land Management Peatlands upscaling Development of a purchasing framework for Peatland restoration groundworks.  Framework 01/01/2025
Land Management Pistonbulley Operation, Storage Repair and Maintenance  Pistonbulley Operation, Storage Repair and Maintenance  Contract   30/11/2024
Land Management Arboricultural, Chainsaw Services and Tree Safety Framework 2024 to 2028 Framework to provide all aspects of tree surgery work within the land managed by Natural Resources Wales Framework 12/01/2024
Land Management Community Woodland Enabling Framework To run a service to support community land management groups who run projects on the NRW estate. This is following on from an existing contract. Framework TBC

As part of our transparency and open data standards we publish a procurement pipeline to assist suppliers in planning and preparing for forthcoming procurements.

All requirements will be advertised through the Sell2Wales website.

The pipeline is reviewed every 6 months and published dates may be subject to changed and information is indicative only.

Last updated