Find out if you need an Environmental Permit for your installation

Do you need an Environmental Permit for an installation

If you operate a facility which is classed as an A(1) installation, you need to apply to us for an Environmental Permit.

Installations are facilities which carry out industrial processes, such as:

  • refineries
  • manufacturing sites
  • factories
  • process industries

They may also include certain waste activities, like:

  • disposing of waste to landfill
  • hazardous waste treatment
  • waste incineration

Part A(1) activities typically involve more significant environmental impacts and are subject to stricter regulation. Examples include large-scale chemical production or waste incineration. Part A(1) activities are regulated by us.

Part A(2) and Part B activities are less complex and are regulated by local authorities.

To find out if you need a permit:

  • identify your activity
  • assess the impact - consider the scale and potential environmental impact of your activity
  • consult guidance

Check if your operation aligns with any listed activities in Schedule 1

An installation is made up of any stationary technical unit where one or more activities listed in Schedule 1 and any directly associated activities are carried on (Schedule 1, Part 1, paragraph 1). Installations are defined by the following chapters:

Chapter 1: Energy: combustion, gasification, liquefaction and refining activities

Chapter 2: Metals: ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals, surface treating metals and plastic materials

Chapter 3: Minerals: production of cement and lime, activities involving asbestos, manufacture of glass and glass fibre, other minerals, ceramics

Chapter 4: Chemicals: organic, inorganic, fertiliser production, plant health products and biocides, pharmaceutical production, explosives production, manufacturing involving carbon disulphide or ammonia, storage in bulk

Chapter 5: Waste management: incineration and co-incineration of waste, landfills, other forms of disposal of waste, recovery of waste, and production of fuel from waste

Chapter 6: Other: paper, pulp and board manufacture, carbon, tar and bitumen, coating activities, printing and textile treatments, dyestuffs, timber, rubber, food industries, intensive farming, Solvent Emission Directive

Engines, boilers and turbines (medium combustion plants)

You must include information about your medium combustion plant in your application.

Last updated